The King of Cheeses: Parmigiano-Reggiano

For many people, eating Parmigiano-Reggiano for the first time is a surprising experience. That’s because the grainy, slightly crunchy texture of Parmigiano-Reggiano is truly unique. “Parmesan” is made in a variety of different countries but only authentic “Parmigiano Reggiano” is produced in the Italian provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantua and Bologna. Only the

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Seven Deadly Zins & Petite Petit

Five generations of the Phillips family have worked the land and developed these beautiful wines, dating all the way back to the Civil War era. Michael and David Phillips are the brothers who now run the vineyards, develop the wines, design the labels and even write the poetry on the back label (read the Seven

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The Best Gins

Summertime means we want a ice cold crisp refeshing drink….. For me, that is a Gin & Tonic….Ahhhh, let the day’s troubles melt away as you sip that “christmas tree” elixir. Here are my top picks for Gin….starting with my very favorite…. #1 Hendrick’s When you order Hendrick’s at a bar or restarant, the staff

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Ginger Soother and Ginger Gizer

Ginger Soother: Drink It Hot, Drink It Cold! A daily dose of this smooth, satisfying, and all natural drink will help keep you in harmony all day. Ginger is said to sooth the throat and stomach, warm the internal organs, and ease nausea and ailments from colds to headaches. And that’s not even the best

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