New Entwine Wines…

All of us foodies that watch every Chef and Food show on the Food Network could not help but notice the new wine being talked about on the Food Network. Wente Winery and the Food Network have partnered together to craft a new wine called ENTWINE wine. The goal was to offer everyday wine for

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Smithwick's Irish Red Ale

St Patricks Day is only seven days away, and I’ve discovered a terrific Irish Red Ale – Smithwicks! What is an Irish Red Ale, you say? Why isn’t it green? Smithwicks is made by world famous Guinness and is a clean and refreshing ale. I tasted a bit of sweetness probably due to the caramel.

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A Magnificent Cantaloupe

If you like Sweet Cantaloupe, you’ll definitely enjoy the Magnificent Cantaloupe, grown exclusively by Del Monte. This melon has an exceptional aroma, an extra sweet flavor profile, and a juicy texture which can be experienced in every bite. You may also notice that the seed cavity is much smaller than a normal cantaloupe and that

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