Hamakua Mushrooms

This week we have mushrooms, mushrooms and more mushrooms on sale. Choose from your standard button mushroom (mainland grown) or try one of our many varieties of mushrooms grown by Hamakua Mushrooms. Hamakua Mushrooms is dedicated to producing the freshest and highest quality gourmet and medicinal mushrooms available in Hawaii. Their 16,000 sq. ft. facility

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Langtry Estate & Vineyards

Langtry Estate and Vineyards is the producer of Guenoc and Langtry wines. This renown Vineyard is familiar to Hawaii and even produced a special run of exceptional quality wine to celebrate Ruth’s Chris’ 20th anniversary in Hawaii. We were very happy to get our hands on this great quality wine that tastes more like it

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Red Bing Cherries

Bing cherries have become the most popular of North American cherries, surpassing every other style. These Bing Cherries are firm and juicy with a deep mahogany red when ripe. They are nutritious and a good source of potassium and Vitamin C. It’s a good idea to keep fully ripe Bing Cherries in the fridge, especially

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South American Roses

Nestled in the Andes Mountain at an elevation of 8,661 feet above sea level, Bogota is the capital city of Columbia. After La Paz in Bolivia and Quito in Ecuador, Bogota is the third-highest capital city in the world. What does that elevation feel like in Hawaiian terms? Haleakala on Maui reaches an elevation of

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