Mahalo for Bag Up Hunger

We want to thank everyone who participated in Foodland’s Bag Up Hunger program this year to support the thousands of people who are hungry in Hawaii. Together, through your donations at checkout, $10,000 support from Unilever, and coins collected at our Change Angels event near Market City, a total of $47,338.45 was collected for Hawaii’s

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Where you Grad?

Here in Hawaii it’s so common for locals to ask each other, “Where did you go to high school?” or, “Where you grad?” Well, whatever Hawaii high school is your alma mater, you can help them earn college scholarships for their seniors! Foodland’s Shop for Higher Education is one of my favorite community programs because

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Why Eat Local?

Did you know that if Hawaii were hit by a natural disaster, we would only have only two to three weeks supply of food – and that’s not considering that people would begin hoarding the minute that fear of the disaster hit! In the aftermath of a frenzy of people buying all they could, Hawaii’s

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